Saturday, August 15, 2009


Here are the pictures from efy...finally!

This was one of the BEST weeks of my life!!

I had so much fun, so many spiritual moments,

but most importantly i made SO many wonderful friends!!

The pictures are backward also=/ the last day ones are first...

my family! Xan Kyle me and Ally

me and mr white chocolate aka Tyler my best friend

Me and Bryce

Me and my Nick

Me and def not a morning person

Me and Andrew at the slide show and last night

Me Breezie and Brady

Shaun, Me, and Matt

My amazing councelors
Sarah, Josh, and Jony

The Amazing Company
Cannot Fall

Me and My Boys

More of Me and the Boys

The strong Men
The boys of Cannot Fall

"Sarah's Girls"

"Jony and Sarah's girls"

Me Xan and Emily :)

Our wolverine councelor Josh

So there was this HUGE air conditioning fan so we decided to play models :)
Ya this is why i sing and NOT model =/

"Lone Zeberas"


uh ya....
exactly why i dont model...

Josh inside the huge ac vent thing

Big bro and lil sis
Kyle and Xan

Xan Emily and Little Zacky

Tyler Me Nick and Allison...
...and of coarse ally is in the background

On our way to morning devo one morning Jony decided to look for Harry Potter
It was absolutly HILARIOUS!!
She was in this hedge of bushes SCREMING for harry to get out!!
Posing by a tree when harry was no where to be found

Is that Harry??
Nope just a rolly polly:)

This is what happens when Canadians steal your camera...

Me and Xan waiting to go into the variety show
Xan being a stalker.. :)
Puking Face
Laughing :D
Changing up the smiles
Just being retards
Our company
Me and Tyler
Me and Brady...
It was SO stinking windy this day
Me and Nick
Missionary Moment:)
It was so cool to see all of the boys come to lunch all dressed in white shirts and ties:)
Dinner before game night
matchy matchy green cameras:)
Me Xan and Emily
the Three Amigos
Me and the canadians doing the pop-eye face
Xan Emily and Me at the Cheer off
Tyler me Kyle Bryce and Ally
Tyler me and Kyle chillin durin freetime
Some of my amazing company sitting on the cougar with our signature
...The Cannot Fall gangsta sign...
and the amazing heart...started by muah!!

Tyler Kyle me Bryce and Alainie at morning devo
me and my bestie Xan
EFY was so amazing!!
I miss everyone so much and still wanna go back
Cant wait till next yr:) ;)


Bell Family said...

Once again, looks like a blast!! Glad you had a great time. Now just plan your trip out here, and get some more fun pics ha ha:)

Durrant said...

Sharielle, you gorgeous thing! I am so glad you were able to go! Looks like you had so much fun! ... And send me your cheer schedule! I want to come watch your cute little buns cheer:)

sharielle:) said...

k crys my first home game is sept 4 :) and after that idk yet...